Tuesday, November 13, 2012

limerick poem

WALT write a limerick  with the correct rhyming and rhythm pattern

There was an old man named leary.

Who dreamed he was a fairy

He woke at nigth

Feeling terrble brigth

So he went to collect some berries.

metaphor poem

WALT use  metaphors in poems.

He is a dolphin 
swimming swiftly in the water .

He is a monkey
swing from tree to
tree  .

he is a cheeta
running as fast as 
a bullet .

he is a lion
killing with his
razor sharp claws.

He is a bear
ripping his prey to bits

In his kingdom killing others.
  He is a prince.


Athletic assess

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My Athletic sport poem

WALT...use poetic verse to recount a memory.

The Athletic sports were usual enough; They had 
the high jump, the long jump, the long distance run,
 the tiring and exhausting sprints . my friends, my class mates and i
did what boys do -lay down on the 
soft grass,made an effot to qualify for zones, ran as fast as a mad man ,hurled the shot like valerie adams tring to win,tired
 as if we had ran a maraton, ran or fired 
just tring to keep fit, 
doing nothing important .