Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My poem

Heartbroken is birds dying from eating plastic.
Uneasy is millions of tons of plastic being made.
Letdown is animals making homes is plastic.
Dishonored is a bag of sand from Hawaii being contaminated with more than 90% plastic.
Do you litter?

I think Im Extended Abstract because Im made long sentences into short metaphors an i showed how sad or happy i was about it.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

My Passion Project

My Passion Project is a rap song. My Project is about making a rap song. I choose a rap song because i like singing and raping. i will know when i have finished my passion project when i have seeked feedback on how i can improve on making a rap song and i can teach others to create rap songs.

Friday, August 9, 2013

My Maths

listen to ‘Oliver's maths’ on Audioboo

WALT:Find fractions equivalent to one given.

i think im Extended Abstract because i can create something that teaches others to use the strategy 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

My Commentary

listen to ‘Oliver's commentaries ’ on Audioboo

I gave detail about important stuff.

My next step is to speak louder when stuff gets exciting and use expression